Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June is Flying By!

We're halfway through the month of June! Which means in a couple more weeks,we'll already be halfway through with 2010!!!

Where does the time go? If you're like me, before you turn around another holiday/celebration is on the horizon and I'm rushing to buy that special gift or get things ready for another party. Just to give you a heads up:

  • Father's Day is THIS Sunday (June 20). Are your gifts bought? Mailed if you need them to be?
  • Independence Day! And for many of us, this will be a long weekend. If you're traveling, have you made all your arrangements? If you're entertaining, do you have your menus and shopping lists ready?
  • School's Out For Summer! - I'm already starting to wonder if the kiddo is loosing math and reading skills. What do you do in the summer to make sure your kids stay sharp and don't fall into that 3-month regression?

Monday, June 14, 2010

UGH! Definitely not up to par today

I've caught a nasty little summer cold. I always hate having a sore throat, runny nose, and annoying cough, but somehow it just never seems right when it's 90 degrees outside! I'm plugging through my day regardless. The work projects still need to be kept moving down the pipeline. Luckily, I've been able to spend my day on the more mundane side of my job. Data entry, organizing files, responding to emails. Nothing that required much research or creative brainstorming. I also need to take my daughter to her practice tonight when what I'd rather do is go home and curl up on the sofa. Other than that, I'm giving myself a night off. We'll have an easy dinner, laundry is caught up, and I'll be pushing the kids for bed so I can sleep this thing away!

What are your tricks for compensating when you're sick but life must go on?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday Musings

How are you spending your Saturday? We had fun celebrating a friend's birthday this morning at one of those inflatable bouncy party places. This afternoon, while my kids have been lounging ---too hot to go outside, plus I think they are tired --- and I've been catching up on some bills and paperwork at my desk.

What is your normal Saturday plan? Do you catch up on housework? Get out of the house to spend some quality family time? I seem to always take Saturday as it comes, then catch up on housework, laundry and errands Sunday afternoon....just in time for it to start all over again!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Friday, June 11, 2010

First things First

My first priority in my quest for balance is to always keep my relationship with God at the forefront. It is so easy to let this slip when life is busy, sleep is little, time seems to spin away faster and faster.

I'm currently subscribed for the daily emails from the Proverbs 31 website. So each morning, there is an email awaiting me with a short devotional. I try to spend 5 minutes reading and praying about the devotional before I attempt to tackle anything else on my list for the day. I also write out a verse from the reading at the top of the today's list of things I need to accomplish. Writing it out is one more way to absorb it into my heart, and I'm reminded throughout the day as I check my list for the what's up next.

If you'd like to read today's devotional, click here.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Ongoing Quest for Balance

Are you a working mom looking for ways to balance work, home, family, life? It's hard to juggle it all, and it's an ongoing battle. But I'm here to share the tips I've learned along the way and hope you'll share your tips with me.

In order to keep yourself in balance, you must
find time each day to devote to those things that are your "life priorities". What are your priorities? Mine are my relationship with God, loving my family, paying the bills, saving some money for the future, keeping some semblance of beauty & order at home, & laughing with friends. If I neglect any of these areas too much, I get way off-kilter.