Monday, June 14, 2010

UGH! Definitely not up to par today

I've caught a nasty little summer cold. I always hate having a sore throat, runny nose, and annoying cough, but somehow it just never seems right when it's 90 degrees outside! I'm plugging through my day regardless. The work projects still need to be kept moving down the pipeline. Luckily, I've been able to spend my day on the more mundane side of my job. Data entry, organizing files, responding to emails. Nothing that required much research or creative brainstorming. I also need to take my daughter to her practice tonight when what I'd rather do is go home and curl up on the sofa. Other than that, I'm giving myself a night off. We'll have an easy dinner, laundry is caught up, and I'll be pushing the kids for bed so I can sleep this thing away!

What are your tricks for compensating when you're sick but life must go on?

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